Thursday, January 14, 2010

Praise God...the Dorce's are Safe!!!

(Sorry this email is hard to read..Dee sent in pink letters that cannot be changed)

Thanks for all the prayers you are all lifting up in our behalf.

Just received this e-mail from Dee. Read it and rejoice!

(Our efforts continue to raise money by next Tuesday and to encourage large donations for the container to be delivered to Maryville by next Wed.)

from Dee:


We are all fine at Carries. No injuries and no deaths this far out, just walls that have fallen or cracked. Praise God Marc was not in PAP that day as he many times is. He was with Wilckly and I and we were all at Verette checking on the things for the seminar. We felt it enough and long enough to move out from under the porch where we were sitting. Other people were running. In a few moments we felt it again. We headed back to Carries praying everyone was safe there as we started to hear the horrendous reports being given on the radio. The palace broken in three pieces and the list continued, at the end of every sentence the word broken. Finally, the announcer said in exasperation, "Haiti is completely broken, finished!" Our hearts were heavy and we thought we would never arrive. We were relieved to find all of our people were fine. Of course it was dark and we were still feeling the tremers from time to time. We quickly loaded everyone and headed to Carries. We camped out on the ground on mattresses, straw mats and chunks of old carpet. Many people from the area came to join us to pass the night which we did, singing, praying and thanking God for our safety. People kept coming and coming until I lost count.

It wasn't until morning we were able to walk around Carries and assess the damage there. There were about 10 houses that the walls fell in which didn't take much as they were only made of sticks and mud yet it was all they had. The walls laid bare the ingredients of the homes. A bed, a chair, a table, some dishes and a few clothes hanging in the midst of the rubel. Of course the people were upset but no one was injured or killed and they were truly thankful especially as we continued to receive news of PAP.

The situations we are hearing about are unbelievable. People went to look for their families in PAP. Everyone has somebody in PAP. Many send one of their children to stay with family in PAP in hopes of sending them to school. Those returning were telling stories of walking over the dead to find the dead. They were physically sick everywhere they looked but desperate to find their own people. I know the things you are seeing on CNN are devastating but imagine those in the middle of it, walking through it. God give us the strength to minister to them. They need our truck to carry their dead from PAP. They need our assistance for those who have been hurt. Some of those who came already I couldn't help them. I had to send them on to the nearest hospital an hour away to get x-rays and medication. It is one thing to be in a situation trying to help those around you. It is another thing to know that no matter what you do and how many you help it will not be enough.

We want you to know we are safe and still receiving news of Wilckly's family in PAP, our schools and churches there. People have already come from the country and mountain churches to see if we are okay. We are and God has reserved us for such a time as this. Pray that we will be capable with His help His grace and His provision to comfort the grieving, care for the hurting, feed the hungry and that many would come to know Christ through our efforts that are only possible because of you supporters who are behind us. Pray, Pray, and Pray again. Give as you feel it in your heart to give and we will be His hands and His feet to do what we can here. Thank you for praying for us as we knew you would all be concerned at the disturbing news and sights provided to you by CNN. We love you and we thank God for you. Take courage as we faithfully stick to the task.

We will need food and water to share with the people, at this point we don't even know to what extent. We don't know what our role will be or what resources we will have or where they will come from. We will need clothes and shoes to share with those who have lost everything. The food and water situation worries us the most right now as everything has been totally demolished in PAP. One Stop Market where we get groceries was flattened. Everything along, Delmas, the main road we travel in PAP is demolished. Nothing is functioning including phone service obviously. We are praying they will work to restore it soon. We will let you know as soon as we know how you can help.

We will keep you updated.

Serving Him who specializes in the IMPOSSIBLE!

Wilckly and Dee Dorce


Betsy Scoby said...

Praise the Lord!

Washington Christian Church
Lebanon, MO