Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Update from Dee Dorce'

Chris's condition has stabalized. She has been moved out of ICU to a regular room. She was able to sit in a chair. The doctors say her progress is on target. It is good to see her sweet smile and even catch a wink now and then. Please continue to lift her in prayer before the Lord, that she would be encouraged and continue healing. Pray for her husband Kyle that he would have the strength and patience he needs. Pray for their children, Georgia and Wilson, that they would all be together again soon.

Tomorrow morning, Lord willing, I will be flying back to Haiti. I really need to go back and encourage Wilckly, Marc, Bioude and all the others. I am praying some contacts that have been made will help me to get Marc here to the States soon for his medical treatment. Please continue to pray for this.

Also, pray for Yoka, who many of you know who have visited us in Haiti. She is in the hospital with malaria. Pray that she would be home soon.

Continue to pray for all of those who were in the accident. Pray that for our ministry as God continues to reach others for Christ. A note that hasn't been shared is that on Saturday, before the group left, we had nine baptisms. Two of them were boys who live with us, Ti-Bonomme and Amos. Another you might know is Ti- Liline. These are all young teens in my Sunday School class. We praise God for these new babes in Christ. Lift them up that they would grow strong spiritually to be the leaders of tomorrow that Haiti so desperately needs.

In His Service,
Commit your works to the Lord and your plans will be established
Proverbs 16:3


Unknown said...

Thank you for your updates about Chris! I check your blog everyday looking to see how Chris is doing. I am a friend of hers from college, and she is one of my dearest friends. I am praying for all of you!! Tammy Hooper

Unknown said...

It was wonderful to hear Dee's voice on Tuesday night when the team got together in Hannibal! The kids all look so much better and appear to be healing physically! It was such a joy to see them all together and listen to their laughter!!