Monday, May 17, 2010

Please Pray!

Wilckly and Dee were recently in a serious accident.

They are OK physically, but emotionally they are very distraught. A group of girls from Hannibal LaGrange College made a trip to Haiti and were to return today to the States. As they were all in route to the airport and coming down the mountain side, the brakes went out in the truck.

Fortunately, a 'make shift' hospital from the University of Miami was still functioning at the airport as a result of the recent earthquake. They were able to assist the Dorce's and triage everyone quickly.

Chris Brennemann, who is the US forwarding agent and very close friend of the Dorce's, is in very critical condition and presently in the States at a hospital in Miami. Her husband Kyle is in route to be with her there. Dee is also with Chris at the hospital in Miami as Wilckly has stayed back in Haiti to continue serving their community.

Marc, a very close friend who also lives in Haiti and minister's along side Wilckly, has very serious injuries to both arms. The prognosis of his arms are questionable.

Some of the girls from Hannibal obtained injuries and are in the Miami hospital as well, although thank the Lord, their injuries are not life threatening.

Please pray for God's healing hand to be upon Chris, Marc and the others who have injuries.

Please pray for safe travels for everyone as they continue their journeys home.

Please pray for Ashley, Kelsey and Josiah as they are still in Iowa awaiting the arrival of their mother for a sweet, precious reunion!

Please pray for God's presence, love and strength to embrace Dee and Wilckly during this very difficult time. May God lift this burden from their hearts and carry them ALL through this tragic event.

Please, please, please...PRAY!


Tom Madonia said...
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Tom Madonia said...

Just a quick note from JET I.C.U., the air ambulance company who had the pleasure of transporting these young ladies back to the U.S.

I always love to hear when our flight crews get to see "the light" shining from the heart of the missionaries we transport.

FYI, JET I.C.U. is a sister company to the Missionary Travel Association. Please spread the word about this great organization we are building!

May God continue to bless your ministry richly!


Tammy said...

We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your service and obedience to God's call! We are so thankful that you were there to help! May God Bless your efforts and your Ministry!

Unknown said...

My son, Ethan was a member of the mission team. He was fortuante in that he only suffered mostly minor injuries in the accident. Please let Wilckley know that he is a hero in our hearts for saving the lives of those in his care by his quick decisions while driving. Our prayers continue to be with him and his family, as well as those injured. Please keep us updated on the conditions of the Haitians that were injured as well so that we may pray specifically for them.
God Bless you all.