Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Update on Dorce's....

"The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy!" Psalm 126: 3

"Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God!" Psalm 42: 11b

Although tragedy has struck, we cling to the promises of God, and we know they will come true!

Update and new prayer requests..........

Chris Brennemann is still critical and in ICU. Although her injuries are severe, she has responded with her eyes open and squeezing of hands. Her husband is by her side, and Dee has been able to be with her as well. She is aware of her surroundings and knows where she is and who everyone is. She has multiple fractures including her skull, pelvis, clavicles, and swelling on her brain. She has even given a smile....

The other 3 girls are hopefully being released today from the hospital to return to their homes. Some have cuts, bruises, road rash, sutures and staples, but their prognosis is good!

In Haiti.....Marc is being treated by a wonderful group of doctors/surgeons, and now they are hopeful that he should be able to keep BOTH ARMS!!!! PRAISE GOD! He is going to need lots of surgeries to repair both arms, but they are very hopeful. They are working on arranging State-side hospital care for Marc, in the event that it is needed.

Wilckly is surrounded by his community and they are ministering to him the best they can. Over 300 people came to him last night! His heart is heavy but he knows his Heavenly Father and he continues to lean on Him to help carry this burden.

Please continue praying and we must not lose heart! (Luke 18: 1)